Running by the Rio.
Me, Ryan, and Brett. The Montevideo Running Club.
We got back to the hotel around 8:30 and I went directly to get ready and finish packing. I sat with some folks up on the 25th floor and ate about 15 (not exaggerating...) sugar croissants as my last breakfast in South America. I probably won't eat them again any time soon and since I ran this morning I don't mind so much about the calories. I headed back to the room to collect my things, check out of my room, and store my luggage with the concierge. We have to be ready to head to Bodega Bauza, the Uruguayan vineyard, around 10:15.
I took a couple last pictures from our room on the 9th floor. You can see the mountain that gave Montevideo its name. Montevideo means, "I have seen a mountain."
We piled into two small buses to go to the vineyard on the outskirts of Montevideo. We got to Bodega Bauza around 11:15 and went on a short tour of the vineyard.

We headed back to Montevideo around 2:15. We got back around 2:45 and I changed clothes and packed a few things in my suitcase before we headed out to find helado. Julie and I found some souvenirs but nothing else was open so we headed back a little while later. I piled in a comfy chair in the lobby, ordered a coke, and ate some Alfajores while relaxing.
A bunch of us pulled out our electronic gadgets and started charging everything so that we would be ready to go for the plane and we just got to sit and talk while we waited for the bus to the airport. I played The Ocarina of Time on my 3DS and I got all the way to the last boss battle before I decided to take a break. I'll try to beat it in the airport or on the plane:)
Around 5:14 we started collecting our things for the trek to the airport. We loaded into our two mini buses and got underway around 5:30. The plane leaves at around 9, so we have plenty of time to get checked in and settle in at our gate.
We drove to the airport at lightning speed jamming to "Don't worry, be happy" which is probably how I would describe Uruguay to everyone. It's a lovely country that is a bizzarre combination of Hawaii and South America. It's a lot less frenetic than Buenos Aires, and I love that.
We checked-in in about 10 minutes and were through security in less than that. There was no one in line and the security agents were jamming to hip hop as we scanned our things through. After we got out of customs we walked into the most over the top duty free shop that I've ever seen.
We settled in and I talked Kari Jo, James, and Fred into playing Settlers of Catan with me so we whiled away the time playing on the floor.
I got a picture of the tower o' electronics we created on the charging tower. As well.
We boarded around 8:30. Next post will be tomorrow from Miami. See you then!